What Should I Do If My Garden Is Infested With Whitefly?


Looking at the flowers and vegetables in your garden as you walk. You encounter a plant with a cloud of white insects flying up from its leaves. 

Some of the plant's leaves look yellow, and others appear to be falling off. Whitefly can cause significant damage to all your plants if left untreated. Call effective whitefly insect control services today to get rid of whitefly infestations as early as possible. 

Besides eating vegetables and ornamentals, whiteflies also feed on various other bugs.

Whiteflies Are What?

The whitefly doesn't have a connection with the fly family. Hemiptera is a bug belonging to the Aleyrodidae family and the Hemiptera order. About 1,500 species have been recorded so far.

One of the easiest pests to notice and identify is the white cloud the adult flew into when disturbed. 

Pests consume plant food by piercing plant tissues with needle-like mouthparts as they grow. 

Undersides of leaves are favored for feeding and reproduction.

Leaf feeding results in speckles, bleaching, yellowing, and necrosis. Plants lose their ability to photosynthesize, resulting in low yields.

Certain species can also transmit some viruses. Whiteflies transmit many types of diseases, such as begomoviruses. 

Many viruses affect crops worldwide, such as tomatoes, cassava, soybeans, and cotton. Leaf curl viruses and mosaic viruses are common causes of plant disease.

Besides, whiteflies attack ornamentals and vegetables and are prevalent during warm weather.

Low numbers are usually not harmful unless they carry diseases. The population can overgrow, and it isn't easy to control the prominent population. 

An outbreak is most often caused by troublesome natural biocontrols, such as ants, pesticides, warm weather, or dust.

It is common for these insects to damage a wide range of crops and cause severe yield losses. Unless they are transmitting disease, adults rarely do much damage.

Nymphs handle most of the destruction.


Even with a hand lens, most species are difficult to differentiate. If you have trouble identifying a species. You may need to examine the pupa or pupal case left after the adult hatches. 

The adults are small, but they have yellowish bodies, white wings, and waxy skin. The angle of the wings can sometimes distinguish species that appear similar. 

Scale-shaped or oval-shaped, with a waxy texture, nymphs resemble scales or mealybugs. On the base of the leaves, white, ellipsoidal eggs are laid. Usually, the eggs form a semicircle.

How? While she lays alone, the female does not stop feeding. Instead, she pivots around the site where she is feeding.

Most garden plant species have a broad host range, including weeds and crops.

It affects over 500 species, including roses, petunias, poinsettias, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. A light root in carrots, for example, or the fungus can cause irregular ripening in tomatoes. 

It is common on tomatoes, coleus, and fuchsias, as well as the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum). 

Often, both species infest the same crop, sometimes simultaneously. Use a 10X or 40X hand lens to compare the wing angles of the two.

T.vaporariorum's wings are flat about the leaf surface, while the wings of B. argentifolii are held at a 45-degree angle to the leaf surface.

(B. tabaci) has a wide range of hosts, including sweet potatoes, tobacco, and cotton. This pest can cause severe losses in certain crops, especially since it is a virus vectoring fly. 

Life Cycle and Biology:

As described above, females lay eggs on the undersides of leaves, usually on young leaves.

The female can lay more than 200 eggs during her one-and-a-half-month lifespan. An unmated female can lay haploid eggs that hatch as males, so mating is not required.

Insects undergo four instars after hatching.

Among these is the crawler. It is six-legged and will move around for several hours after hatching before it settles down to eat. The larva will usually move from the hatching site by only a few millimeters.

This period is spent feeding, and the after two instars are fixed. Even though whiteflies do not undergo a complete metamorphosis, the fourth instar is often called a pupa.

The crawler to pupa phase of these pests takes 10 to 12 days at 65 to 75°F.

As little as two and a half to three weeks during warm seasons are required to complete the life cycle, while up to six months are necessary during winter. 

It is possible to find representatives of each generation on a single plant in a population!

Whiteflies also attack ornamental plants as ornamentals, such as poinsettias, geraniums, petunias, and citrus trees (Dialeurodes citri). 


The development of symptoms will not alert you that your plants are being eaten. Until infested leaves turn yellow and drop from the plant, they might not show any signs of damage.

It is not difficult to spot the adults since they rise in a cloud whenever disturbed.

Commercial growers check adult population levels with yellow sticky cards, which is helpful but inaccurate. When a sticky card is not disturbed, plants can hide right beside it, giving the illusion of comfort.

With a hand lens, you can examine the undersides of leaves to spot the eggs and nymphs.

Be sure to scout several plants in your garden for eggs, nymphs, and adults to keep on top of their populations.

To control populations once they become established, monitoring is essential.

How to control whiteflies organically?

1. Get rid of infested parts: 

You should remove all diseased branches and leaves (without causing other problems). It is best to destroy or burn diseased leaves and stems to prevent whiteflies from spreading. 

2. Natural insecticide: 

Use a soapy spray to wash your plants, especially the undersides of the leaves. In this method, a layer of soap suffocates adult insects.

3. Use sticky yellow pads: 

They are a very effective way to watch and control things. It is attractive to whiteflies to investigate the yellow color, but they end up stuck in the end. Put a very sticky substance on yellow cardboard or yellow piece of wood and then hang it. 

You can also get sticky traps like this at garden centers. Effective whitefly insect control service specialized in garden issues is another option. 

4. Insects that are beneficial: 

Predators and parasitoids, such as green lacewings, ladybirds, minute pirate bugs, and big-eyed bugs, effectively suppress whiteflies. Plant several flowering plants in your garden to attract these insects.

5. Plant companions: 

Including companion plants with ornamental plants and vegetables in your garden helps repel whiteflies. Nasturtium roots do not allow whiteflies to lay eggs on tomatoes and gooseberries. 

Zinnia attracts wasps and flies that feed on whiteflies, reducing their numbers. Bee balm, pineapple sage, and hummingbird bush are other plants that discourage predators.

6. Insecticide containing Neem Oil: 

Azadirachtin is the most studied and potent of Neem oil's active ingredients. These conditions prevent insects from feeding, mating, or laying eggs properly. Larvae do not molt if eggs are produced, or eggs do not hatch, and their population decreases. When applied as a foliar spray, neem oil offers some systemic advantages. 

Yet, it appears to be more effective when used as a soil drench, absorbing into the roots of plants. Spray neem oil on your plants every two weeks by diluting it in a liter of water.

7. Castings of earthworms: 

The plant's base should be sprayed with earthworm castings, and Vermicompost repels pests.

8. Make your repellent: 

Whiteflies attack plants, so you can control them with this homemade mixture. 

Spray bottles should have two parts rubbing alcohol, five parts water, and one tablespoon of liquid soap. Spray this mixture on plants that are susceptible to these pests. 

9. The use of reflective mulches:

Plants can be protected from whiteflies by using plastic mulches or foil ones. 

10. Extract of seaweed: 

You can mist your plants' leaves with a seaweed spray. Plants enjoy it by getting nutrition, and whiteflies cannot reproduce on sprayed parts.


There are several ways to treat whiteflies organically in this blog. The most effective whitefly insect control service is to hire a professional.


Author bio:

Name:- Dustin Pope (President)

Dustin Pope, the President of Tree Doctor, wisdom is stored in the optimum health of the trees, plants, and shrubs in the landscape of San Diego. He is very passionate about creating awareness for tree health management and educating people about the consequences of ignoring the unique tree healthcare needs. He believes in sustainable results using advanced environmentally-friendly technology.

He loves to write about tree and plant health care problems, insect and disease diagnosis and treatment, soil and root care, making people aware through his experience, and keeping the San Diego County landscape healthy and beautiful. Stay tuned with the recent articles to know all about harmful insects and diseases hampering tree health, tree nutrients, soil care, root management, deep root fertilization, and other stress to trees.

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