What are Google Search Operators?
In simple words, Google Search Operators are the special characters and symbols that can be added along with the search term for getting clearer data. It can be considered as the best method for performing the search. Technical SEO consultants and content marketers use Google search operators.
In this article, we will look at the Google search operators along with instances of them.
Google Search Operators
1. Search Operator Site
Site is the best search operator that you can use for finding content from a particular website. Use it to check out a post from a specific blog or if the site doesn't have a search bar.
It is mostly used by SEO experts who use it to find the website's contact page while removing bad links. It will reveal the pages of the websites and also of the sub-domain.
Example: site:thethoughttree.com ~the search result will return the website's data and the pages on subdomains.
2. Exact match operator:""
It is called the exact match operator because entering a search query in the quotation marks will give a search result that matches precisely with the term entered between the quotation marks.
Example: "space"
3. Negative Operator: –
The negative operator can be used by adding – before any keyword, eliminating it from the search results.
For instance, if you are searching for an art store, and don't want the search results from the USA, look up Art store and eliminate the USA by adding a negative operator before it.
Example: Art store - USA
4. Operator OR:
The OR operator is used by putting OR between the two search keywords. The search results will show up anyone, or both of the keywords.
5. Pipe Operator: |
The pipe operator can be used as an alternative to the Google search operator OR. The results will largely be similar.
Example: UPSC | RPSC
6. Parentheses Operator: ()
The parentheses operator is used to separate operators for more advanced searches by using numerous operators simultaneously.
Example: (UPSC OR RPSC) difficulty level
7. Operator AND:
The AND operator can get results for both the keywords entered for searching.
8. Currency Operator: $
The currency operator is used in searching the prices. If you want to use it, just add a currency sign in front of the number. For now, it works for $ (US Dollars) and €(Euro).
Example: NASA graphic tee shirt $20
9. Operator intitle:
The intitle: operator allows you to search for keywords and key phrases found in the titles of websites.
Example: intitle: melodysheep
10. Operator allintitle:
This Google search operator is just like the intitle: operator, but all keywords stated have to be there in the title.
Example: allintitle:captain america iron man
11. Operator inurl:
The inurl: operator allows you to search for queries found in the URL of websites and the domain name.
Example: inurl:thethoughttree
12. Operator allinurl:
The allinurl: operator is just like the inurl: operator, but all keywords which are stated also have to be present in the URL.
Example: allinurl:thethoughttree IAS course
13. Operator intext:
The Google search operator intext allows you to search for key phrases and keywords in the body of every website.
Example: intext:thethoughttree
14. Operator allintext:
The Google search operator allintext is just like the intext: operator, but all keywords stated also have to be there in the body of a website.
Example: allintext:thethoughttree courses
15. Operator filetype:
The filetype: operator allows you to state a certain filetype of what you are searching for on the page.
This operator is used for determining the specific file type. It can be used with words docs, PowerPoint files, PDFs, spreadsheets, as well as images except for PHP, ASP, and HTML.
Example: thethoughttree filetype:html
16. Operator "Keyword" + "Write for us":
If you are looking for Guest Post Opportunities then you can use this search operator. This is a very useful search operator for people who actively look for guest post opportunities. By using this operator, you can find guest post opportunities related to your niche.
For example: "Digital Marketing" + "Write for us", "UPSC" + "Write for us".
Final Word:
So to wrap up, I hope that this article was helpful to you. Google search operators are classified into basic, advanced, and unreliable. In this article, we have discussed some of the operators, and there are many other operators which can also be used. Remember that if you know how to use the operators and make good use of them, then you will be able to get the results as desired by you. One can also combine the operators for accurate results.
After getting the knack of it, you can use these search operators to boost your website's SEO, get a high rank, search up the guest post opportunities, etc.
And if you are on the lookout for guest post opportunities, then to make things easy for you we are welcoming writers from different niches to write for us on our blog page. The Thought Tree is a coaching platform and an education training institute. Our focus is to offer informative content on several topics and resources to our audience. Our blog is focused principally on IAS, RAS, and various competitive exam coaching, Finance and Stock Market, Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Vastu Shastra, and Numerology.